I was called out to this swarm on a cold and Drizzly day in August of 2024. I thought it would be straight forward as the bees were on the floor.The bees were very lethargic and were hardly moving.I managed to coax them into a nuc box.I turned around and I noticed a further cluster of bees on the wall behind me.
I thought it could have been two cast swarms but I didn’t think so.

At this point,the homeowner came out and said “I have bees just behind the house in my garden” I asked if he had checked for queen cells recently and he said no.I asked if he wanted the swarm and this was also a no.
I collected the rest of the bees on the wall and took them to one of our members in Quinton.
This swarm needed to be collected quickly as lots of people were passing by to get home or to Langley train station.
Post by – Richard James